Watch The Med Alarm Phone Investigations – 18th of September 2018Case name: 2018_09_18-WM333
Situation: 2 boats rescued to Spain (1 from Tangier, 1 from Bouyafar)
Status of WTM Investigation: Concluded
Place of Incident: Western Mediterranean Sea
Summary of the Case: On the 18th of September, the Alarm Phone was alerted to two cases, one had 9 men and the other with 44 people on board. Both boats were rescued to Spain.
In the first case, the Alarm Phone was contacted at 9.07am CEST about a boat of 9 men. The Alarm Phone shift team remained in close contact with the boat until 10.19am, when the travelers said they needed help and asked the shift team to contact Salvamento Maritimo. The shift team contacted Salvamento Maritimo. At 12 noon, the Alarm Phone was told that the passengers had been saved and were being brought to Spain. At 12.49pm, the news was confirmed.
The second call arrived at 10.14am CEST, alerting the shift team to a boat whose engine had stopped. The shift team had trouble getting in touch with the boat, as the travelers had lost credit, but heard from an independent report that there were 44 people on the boat, including 7 women and 2 babies. At 11.20am, the shift team was finally able to get in touch with the travelers. At 11.40am, the shift team alerted Salvamento Maritimo about the boat. The shift team maintained contact with the boat and coast guard for several hours. It was often hard to remain in direct contact with the boat due to lack of service and credit. The situation became more dire as water was entering the boat, and the shift team called both Salvamento and the Marine Royale. At 22.50pm, the shift team received news that the travelers had finally been rescued and brought to Spain. The travelers confirmed the following morning.
Last update: 08:45 Oct 04, 2018
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