Watch The Med Alarm Phone Investigations – 6th of December 2022
Case name: 2022_12_06_Eastern Med_1080
Situation: 20 people arrived on Samos, probably pushed back to Turkey
Status of WTM Investigation: Concluded
Place of Incident: Eastern Mediterranean / Aegean Sea
Summary of the Case:
On 6 December 2022, we were alerted by relatives of a group who had stranded on Samos. They were about 20 people.
At 9:14 CET, we alerted Greek authorities and several NGOs by email.
At 15:55 CET, we sent an email with an updated location as people reported not to have received any help so far and to have moved further. At 21:40 CET, still no help had arrived and we sent another email to all authorities with an update about their situation, including also a list with some of their names and their expressed whis to apply for asylum in Greece. Shortly afterwards, we lost contact with the people.
At 8:51 CET next morning, Médecines Sans Frontières (MSF) confirmed by email that they had sent a team to provide medical assistance to the people in need, but they found nobody present at the location. They expressed their deep concern for those people, due to bad weather conditions and low temperatures.
We could not reestablish any contact with the people and so at 20:25 CET, we called the Turkish coast guard which confirmed that there was a rescue at 2am in the area around Samos: 21 people in a rubber boat, 12men, 2women, 2 boys, 5 girls, all from Palestine.
We could not manage to reestablish a contact to the people nor the relatives and so we can only assume that this group got pushed back to Turkey after their arrival on Samos.
Last update: 13:43 Oct 21, 2023
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