02/09: 58 people pushed back from North of Crete to Turkey

03.09.2022 / 16:22 / Eastern Med

Watch The Med Alarm Phone Investigations – 02nd of September 2022
Case name: 2022_09_02-Eastern Med - 991 Situation: 58 people pushed back from North of Crete to Turkey
Status of WTM Investigation: Concluded Place of Incident: Eastern Med

Summary of the Case:
In the night of September 2nd, Alarm Phone was informed by relatives about a boat in distress North of Crete. We immediately contacted the people on the boat and managed to establish communication. The people in distress informed us that their engine was broken and that they had already been at sea for three days. We alert the Greek authorities by mail and phone. Their reply was only „we are investigating“, which was an alarming sign, as they usually say this while they prepare a pushback operation. The weather conditions were harsh and there were no life jackets on the boat. The people on the boat were urgently calling for help.
During the night, the people reported that several boats were surrounding them, producing waves and in doing so, further endangering their situation. They sent photos showing boats in the dark of the night, shining spotlights on the travellers. We send several updates to authorities and call them several times. Still their only response was: „we are investigating“.
Meanwhile, the people reported that their boat started to take water in. At 7:25 CEST on September 3rd, we receive an updated GPS position that shows the boat 25 km North of Crete. The people also called the international emergency number 112 several times – with no result. We are in constant exchange with several relatives, who were all very worried about their loved ones and called for assistance. At 09:12 CEST the Alarm Phone shift team speaks to the officer on duty of JRCC Piraeus. The officer informed us that they spoke to the people a few minutes ago. When we asked if they launch a rescue operation, he hung up the phone. Throughout the morning we send several updates to authorities, including exact GPS locations. At 10:38 CEST the shift team calls JRCC Piraeus again, asking why they are not rescuing the boat when they clearly found them and their engine is not working? The officer answered that it is a sailing boat and they don't need an engine. When we explained that the people on board don't know how to sail a sailing boat because the captain left, the officer laughed and hung up.
Shortly after, we lost contact with the people. The relatives also became unable to reach their loved ones and were really worried. At 12:40 CEST, after hours without contact, our shift team managed to re-establish communication. The people told us that a boat is coming, with men carrying weapons on board. The boat was grey, and the men on the boat were masked. Then we once again lost contact. At 16:30 CEST we call the Hellenic Coast Guard once again. The officer claims there was no boat found so far. When the previous communication with them was brought up, and when we reminded them of the information shared by the travellers, the officer just hangs up.
It was not until the afternoon of September 4th that we receive further information. The Turkish Coast Guard informs us on the phone that they found a group of 58 people in three life rafts who were pushed back by Greek authorities. They were on their way to Italy in a white sailing boat. Relatives also confirm the pushback.

Last update: 16:30 Mar 05, 2023
Credibility: UP DOWN 0
Layers »
  • Border police patrols
    While the exact location of patrols is of course constantly changing, this line indicates the approximate boundary routinely patrolled by border guards’ naval assets. In the open sea, it usually correspond to the outer extent of the contiguous zone, the area in which “State may exercise the control necessary to prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws” (UNCLOS, art. 33). Data source: interviews with border police officials.
  • Coastal radars
    Approximate radar beam range covered by coastal radars operating in the frame of national marine traffic monitoring systems. The actual beam depends from several different parameters (including the type of object to be detected). Data source: Finmeccanica.
  • Exclusive Economic Zone
    Maritime area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea in which the coastal state exercises sovereign rights for the purposes of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, the seabed and its subsoil and the superjacent waters. Its breadth is 200 nautical miles from the straight baselines from which the territorial sea is measured (UNCLOS, Arts. 55, 56 and 57). Data source: Juan Luis Suárez de Vivero, Atlas of the European Seas and Oceans
  • Frontex operations
    Frontex has, in the past few years, carried out several sea operations at the maritime borders of the EU. The blue shapes indicate the approximate extend of these operations. Data source: Migreurop Altas.
  • Mobile phone coverage
    Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network coverage. Data source: Collins Mobile Coverage.
  • Oil and gas platforms
    Oil and gas platforms in the Mediterranean. Data source:
  • Search and Rescue Zone
    An area of defined dimensions within which a given state is has the responsibility to co-ordinate Search and Rescue operations, i.e. the search for, and provision of aid to, persons, ships or other craft which are, or are feared to be, in distress or imminent danger. Data source: IMO availability of search and rescue (SAR) services - SAR.8/Circ.3, 17 June 2011.
  • Territorial Waters
    A belt of sea (usually extending up to 12 nautical miles) upon which the sovereignty of a coastal State extends (UNCLOS, Art. 2). Data source: Juan Luis Suárez de Vivero, Atlas of the European Seas and Oceans

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