Watch The Med Alarm Phone Investigations – 2nd of November 2020Case name: 20200211-AEG717
Situation: 20 travellers stranded in North of Lesvos
Status of WTM Investigation: Still investigating
Place of Incident: Aegean Sea
Summary of the Case:
On 2nd of November 2020 in the morning the Alarm Phone was alerted to a group of 20 to 25 travellers who got stuck in the North of Lesvos, among them also women and children. One person got injured when they were climbing the rocks, moreover the people were wet and freezing. The Alarm Phone alerted the Greek coastguard, as well as Frontex, the responsible NATO officer and UNHCR Turkey and Greece via email at 09:52h. In the email all information were provided, also the wish from the travellers to seek asylum. Some minutes later the Alarm Phone called the UNHCR office in Athens to assure that they know about the case. The travellers were advised to call the office by themselves. A call to RSC Mitilini at 10:08h brought to light that they already found 4 people and were now searching for the rest. Alarm Phone texted with the travellers and received a new GPS position as they went to a road to be more visible. The position was forwarded to the authorities. Contact was lost to the travellers later on.
We are still investigating the detailed developments and will include potential updates into this report.
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Last update: 16:02 Feb 16, 2021
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