Watch The Med Alarm Phone Investigations – 15th of June 2017Case name: 2017_06_15-WM139
Situation: Boat with 44 persons from Morocco rescued and brought to Spain
Status of WTM Investigation: Concluded
Place of Incident: Western Mediterranean Sea
Summary of the Case: On Thursday the 15th of June 2017, at 9.28 am, a contact person informed the WatchTheMed Alarm Phone about a boat that had left from Morocco at 6am in the morning to Spain. The contact person, who had friends among the passengers, told us that there were 44 persons on board, including 20 women. We didn't understand what place they left from exactly. We couldn't reach the people on the boat, and later also lost touch with the contact person. At noon, we started to follow the Spanish NGO caminandofronteras on Twitter, as they had news about several boats in the Western Mediterranean. They also twittered about the boat with 44 passengers on board. Around 1.30pm we got in touch with the Spanish Search and Rescue agency Salvamento Maritimo (SM), who was already informed about the case, but also didn't know where the people started from. However, their helicopter had just spotted a boat with about 40 persons on board a few minutes ago and they asked us to call back later. One hour later, we called them back and they told us that they were about to rescue the boat they had spotted Northwest of Tanger. Later SM called us back to confirm that they had rescued 43 people, among whom were 21 women. They said that everyone was ok and that they would take them to Barbate, near Tarifa in Spain. The boat we had followed was not the only boat that was rescued in the Western Mediterranean that day. Helena Maleno from caminandofronteras informed on Twitter about 238 persons in total who had risked their lives and had made it to Spain. The rescue organisation SOS Mediterraneo sent via Twitter news about more than 1150 persons rescued that day in the Mediterranean Sea, of whom 268 in The Western Mediterranean, 88 in the Aegean Sea and more than 800 in the Central Mediterranean Sea.
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