Watch The Med Alarm Phone Investigations – 6th of January 2024
Case name: 2024_01_06-EASTERN MED - 010
Situation: 45 people landed on Lesvos, arrived in camp
Status of WTM Investigation: Concluded
Place of Incident: Eastern Med
Summary of the Case:
In the morning of the 6th of January, Alarm Phone was alerted by a relative to a group of 45 people, including 12 children, who had arrived on Lesvos. We contacted the group directly and they reported that they were starving and that some of them were sick.
At 08:31 CET, we alerted relevant authorities, including the Hellenic Coast Guard (HCG) and Doctors Without Borders (MSF) via email. Around 10:45 CET, we learned from the relative that the police and then MSF arrived at the location of the group. At 11:31 CET, we received an email from MSF confirming that they had located the group and provided medical assistance.
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