Watch The Med Alarm Phone Investigations – 19th of October 2022
Case name: 23 people pushed back in Muğla region
Situation: 23 people pushed back in Muğla region
Status of WTM Investigation: Concluded
Place of Incident: Eastern Med / Aegean Sea
Summary of the Case:
In the afternoon of the 26th of October 2022, we were alerted by relatives to a boat in distress near the Greek island of Euboea. When we got in touch with the people, they stated that there were 29 people in the group and that the Greek coastguard was near them, but tried to bring them back to Turkey instead of rescuing.
We sent an email to alert authorities at 16:37 CEST.
Shortly afterwards we tweeted:
“#PUSHBACK IN THE MAKING!? We are in contact with 29 people on a boat off the #Greek island of Euboea. Reportedly @HCoastGuard is with them, but when asked if they help, the people only reply:"No, they will bring us back".
@HCoastGuard: Respect their rights, don't push them back!”
Afterwards, we lost contact to the people on board. Late in the evening, the relative contacts us again and informs us about a location in Turkish waters (38°45’51.5”N 26°26’59.7”E). He states that the Greek Coast Guard brought the boat back there. He tells us that there is 29 people including children, that there is water entering the boat, and they are in danger.
At 22:21 CEST, we alerted the Turkish coastguard who confirmed to start a search and rescue mission.
At 00:10 CEST, the relatives confirm that the people were rescued and that everyone is okay, but they are back in Turkey.
We could not re-establish a direct contact with the people afterwards, and so we could not talk with them in detail about what happened.
Last update: 20:14 Apr 30, 2023
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