Watch The Med Alarm Phone Investigations – 25th of October 2022
Case name: 2023_10_25_Eastern Med_1040
Situation: One person in severe medical condition pushed back at the Evros river
Status of WTM Investigation: Concluded
Place of Incident: Landborder Greece/Turkey
Summary of the Case:
In the morning of the 25th of October the Alarm Phone was alerted by the brother of a man, who was left behind by his group. We managed to get in touch with the man. He reported injuries and to be dehydrated as he ran out of food and water and was unable to walk. He reported that because of the new situation and demonstrations in Iran his life was in danger and expressed his wish to apply for asylum in Greece.
At 11:15 CEST we alerted all relevant Greek authorities as well as Frontex, UNHCR and several NGOs in Greece.
At 15:02 CEST when still no help had arrived, we started to tweet about the situation.
In the evening the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) granted interim measures and ordered Greece to not remove the injured person from its territory and to provide food, water and medical care.
At 20:52 CEST we sent another email to all relevant authorities informing about the interim measures and urging for rescue that so far had not arrived despite the urgency of the situation. The injured person reported that his condition was serious and getting worse. In addition, the battery of his phone seemed to die and he did not have food or water for several days. We wrote: “Any delay is life-threatening and we urge you to immediately launch a rescue operation and comply with the ECHR-decision.”
Nevertheless, the next morning (26.10.2022) the person was still at the same location. At 11:30 CEST we informed again all relevant authorities providing them another location and urging again for rescue. Around 14:00 CEST the contact to the person broke and could not be reestablished.
It was days later that we were able to reestablish the contact and learned that despite the ECtHR decision he was pushed back to Turkey.
We document here the testimony as he has provided to his lawyer and as it was forwarded to us by him:
“On 26.10.2022 the applicant was waiting on the road at the same location (which has sent to his lawyer and his brother and to the Greek authorities). A white car with two policemen (one in black uniform and one in green with guns) arrived. One of them (with green uniform) run fast out of the car towards the applicant and violently took his mobile. The applicant has tried to call his lawyer, as he was advised but he did not manage to talk with her, as the policeman took the mobile and tried to damage/ break it. Then the applicant was beaten and was threatened by the policeman with a gun on his head. The applicant was forced to enter and to stay hidden in the trunk of the car. The applicant was transferred in the closed dark trunk (suffocating because of dust) until he was forced out because of change of wheel (the sandy road has ended). Then the applicant was put again inside the trunk and he was brought near the river, where they were waiting until three black vans came. Two boats and hundred of people - almost all of them without shoes and terrified - were violently brought out of the vans by the Greek authorities. Then a police car (official) arrived with policemen in blue. One of them called him with his name. The applicant answered and the policemen brought him violently in the plastic boat. He was the first one, who was brought inside the first boat. Among others he was pushed back to Turkey. Foreigners/non state agents under the command of the Greek authorities drove the boat. They were left in a small island in the middle of the river. Then the applicant had to pass the rest of the river on foot until the Turkish shore. In Turkey he managed to run away from the Turkish police.
While under the custody of the Greek authorities he has never given with water, food and never provided with medical help. He was in bad health situation. His asylum was never registered by the authorities.”
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