Watch The Med Alarm Phone Investigations – 11th of November 2019 Case name: 2019_11_11-AEG618
Situation: 30 travelers in Greek waters attacked by a boat and returned to Turkey; 44 travelers in the Turkish waters, returned to Turkey.
Status of WTM Investigation: Concluded
Place of Incident: Aegean Sea
Summary of the Case: On the 11th of November the Alarm Phone was alerted to two situations in the Aegean Sea. The first alert came in at 9:30am CET from a group of 30 travellers close to the island of Chios. We informed the Greek coastguard about the boat in distress immediately. A few minutes later the travellers reported that they had been attacked by a boat and pushed towards Turkey.
The second distress call reached us at 11:37am. We alerted the Turkish coastguard and the safe rescue of 44 people was confirmed at 1:47am.
At 9:30am CET the Alarm Phone was alerted to a boat with 30 travellers asking for urgent help. The GPS location of the boat was clearly located in Greek waters, close to the island of Chios. At 9:34am we informed the Greek coastguard and passed them the GPS location, the phone number of the travellers, and also sent them an e-mail with all the information. At 9:48am the travelers reported that they have been attacked by a boat, their petrol has been stolen and they were slowly drifting towards Turkey. Afterwards, the contact to the travellers broke down and it could not be re-established so far. We assume that the people ended up back in Turkey. It remains to be investigated why this pull-back from Greek waters took place.
At 11:37pm CET the Alarm Phone was alerted to a boat with 50 travellers in distress. The GPS location of the boat was in the Turkish waters, south of Didim. At 11:58pm we alterted the Turkish coastguard and passed them the GPS location, the phone number of the travellers, and also sent them an e-mail with all the information. The contact to the travellers broke down and could not be re-established. On the 12th of November at 1:47am we received a confirmation from the Turkish coastguard that a rubber-boat with 44 people has been rescued and brought back to Turkey. Later we also received an email and a confirmation from the travellers themselves that they are all safe back in Turkey.
Last update: 17:07 Dec 21, 2019
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