Watch The Med Alarm Phone Investigations – 13th of September 2015
Case name: 2015_09_13-AEG69
Situation: Alarm Phone alerted to 7 distress cases near Greek islands
Status of WTM Investigations: Concluded
Place of Incidents: Aegean Sea
Summary of the cases: On Sunday the 13th of September 2015, one of the largest tragedies occurred in the Aegean Sea. A vessel capsized near Farmakonisi Island, and 34 people drowned, amongst them 15 babies and children. Following the Greek coastguard and news reports, 68 people were rescued from the water and another 30 were able to swim to the island (source 1 and 2). The Alarm Phone had been contacted about this vessel and we are shocked that, yet again, dozens of people had to die as they could not cross the borders in Europe in a legal and safe way.
On Sunday we were alerted to 7 emergency situation in the Aegean Sea. At 1.05am, the Syrian activist collective informed us about a vessel in distress and passed on a GPS position via WhatsApp. The collective had learned about the case via Facebook - 40 people, including children, were on board of a vessel, at risk of capsizing. We then received a phone number of one of the travellers but he could not be reached. When we informed the Greek coastguards at 1.26am, they stated that they had already heard about the situation. They said that weather conditions were bad and that they would send out a search and rescue vessel. Shortly afterwards we received an update from our contact person, saying that the people had made it to the island independently. We then informed the Greek coastguards about it. About one hour later we received a message about a vessel in the same area of the sea. There were about 100 people on board. The Greek coastguard knew already about the case and, as it later turned out, this was the vessel that capsized, leaving 34 people dead.
At 5.08am, we received a call from an Arabic speaking person who passed on GPS coordinates as well as a phone number of people in distress at sea. There were 44 or 45 people on a boat, including 10 children. We learned that their engine was still working but that water was entering their vessel as waves were very high. When we spoke to the Greek coastguards shortly afterwards, they said that the vessel was in Turkish waters, though close to Greek territory. They said they would not come to rescue the people. We informed the travellers who, however, did not want us to inform the Turkish coastguards. Nonetheless, at about 5.50am, when their engine stopped working which meant that they could not move on, they agreed for us to notify the Turkish coastguards. The Turkish authorities noted down the details of the case and confirmed that they would send out a rescue vessel. We, in turn, informed the travellers. At 6.45am, rescue had not yet arrived. About an hour later, the travellers said that they were certain to be in Greek territory now and they forwarded a new GPS position. We then called the Greek coastguards on Samos Island who confirmed that they would launch a rescue operation. For a few hours afterwards, the travellers could not be reached. At 11am the Samos coastguards confirmed that they had rescued the people and brought them to the port of Samos. In the afternoon, the travellers also confirmed that they had been rescued.
At 8.30am, our shift team was informed about a vessel very close to Chios Island/Greece. We received a phone number and the GPS coordinates of the group and tried to call them several times. At 9.10am, we were able to speak to them. They told us that there were 40 people, including 9 children on the vessel. They were very anxious and asking for urgent help. We then informed the Greek coastguards about the situation and they said they would work on the case. At 9.45am, the travellers confirmed that they had been rescued to Greece.
At 10.30am, we learned about another emergency situation near Lesvos/Greece. We were able to contact the group directly at 10.35am and they said they were a group of 40 people, including 6 women and 20 children. Their engine had broken down and water was entering their vessel. They also said that they could not reach the hotline of the Lesvos coastguards which we verified – they did not pick up their phone! We then informed the Greek authorities in Piraeus who noted down the details of the case and said they would work on it. Already at 10.45am we received the confirmation that they had been rescued.
At 6.31pm, we received a phone number as well as GPS coordinates from a contact person about a vessel in distress, near Lesvos. There were 47 people on board who could not be reached. We informed the Greek coastguards and the rescue of the group was confirmed at 7.47pm by our contact person.
At 7.40pm, we heard about a group that had stranded on Kalymnos Island/Greece and needed assistance. Following their account they had been there already for 3 days and had no food and water left. Several Greek coastguards could not be reached by phone and thus we informed the UNHCR. No further information about their situation could be obtained.
At 9.51pm, we dealt with the last emergency situation of the day. We received a distress message via Facebook which forwarded a phone number as well as a GPS position of a group in distress. When we called the number, the man answering said that they were in the process of being rescued!
Last update: 06:19 Sep 17, 2015
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